Digital Dominoes Game

EnTeam’s Digital Dominoes Game

Would you like to try an EnTeam Game?  You and another person can play Digital Dominoes online. Digital Dominoes challenges you to listen and communicate.  Your score will depend on how well you give directions, listen, and share information.

Requirement: Two or more players must be actively on the Digital Dominoes link in order to play. We recommend using a Windows computer for the best playing experience.

If you have any questions, feel free to message us here

Instructions for Digital Dominoes are embedded in the video game itself. 

Instructions  Digital Dominoes

    1. Invite partners to play with you — anyone who has an internet connection.
      1. Two or more partners can play. 
      2. If you have more than 5 players, you may want to form teams of 2 to 5 players per team.  (You could have a team with >100 players.)
    2. Connect with your game partners:
      1. Call them or connect by video conference.
    3. Each player must open the game board online.
      1. Go to 
    4. Click on
    5. Everyone playing types their name → click Custom matchmaking

  1. If you want to be the sender (the player that creates the domino pattern and communicates to others how to create the same pattern without seeing their dominoes), you make the name for your room.  For example, call it “room 1”.
    1. After naming the room, the sender will make the room size. The room size is the number of people that are ready to play together.

  2. Receivers (those that are trying to create the same pattern as the sender) click on “room 1” which will show up on the right hand side. 
  3. The Sender should wait until the other player(s) have signed in before starting the game.
  4. When all players are ready and in the room, the sender creates their pattern. 
  5. When the timer starts, the sender describes their pattern to the rest of the players using the call/video conference platform. 
  6. When the round is over, all players debrief together using the prompted questions – What happened? So, What? Now what? 
    1. These questions are used to create strategies and improve the score for the following round. 
  7. After the debrief, play again and try to improve the score. If the score improves, everyone wins! If the score doesn’t improve, everyone loses.