EnTeam Glossary

EnTeam (verb): engage people from different groups or teams in making measurable improvements in the results they achieve when they try to score goals together.

EnTeam Game

  • An EnTeam Game is a contest that keeps score on a win-win-or-lose-lose basis.
  • In an EnTeam Game, a player can score points only by collaborating with other players.
  • For details, see the chart comparing win-lose contests with win-win-or-lose-lose contests

EnTeam Match

  • An EnTeam Match is a series of identical EnTeam Games.  In a match, each game has the same rules and level of difficulty.  
  • Players win a match by improving their score each time they play.  If the score doesn’t improve they lose.

EnTeam Workshop

  • EnTeam Matches led by facilitators who are skilled in strengthening collaboration among players – especially players who come from different backgrounds.
  • An EnTeam workshop includes relationship-building and time for debriefing the games.
  • EnTeam Organization offers certification for those who aspire to lead EnTeam Games to achieve objectives effectively.

EnTeam Program

  • A series of EnTeam Workshops designed to achieve specific objectives for one group of people connected by a relationship or affinity.
  • An EnTeam Program can be evaluated based on achievement of measurable objectives.
  • For example, the science teacher at Busch Middle School used an EnTeam Program to increase the number of her students who mastered the science curriculum.

EnTeam League

  • A series of EnTeam Workshops designed to break down barriers that divide people into rival groups.  EnTeam Leagues build bridges connecting different affinity groups.
  • An EnTeam League is a type of EnTeam Program that unites people who come from diverse backgrounds — especially groups of people with a history of conflicts.
  • For example, Operation Cooperation in St. Louis is an EnTeam League consisting of four faith-based schools (Muslim, Jewish, and two Christian schools) that take turns hosting an EnTeam workshop at each school.
  • Another example is the series of workshops in 2021 at the Missouri History Museum with diverse families.

EnTeam Curriculum 

  • Documentation of the process of running a workshop, or a program, or a league.
  • Documentation of a process for using EnTeam games to achieve a specific objective.
  • An EnTeam Curriculum is a “cookbook” for using games to solve a specific problem such as conflict resolution.
  • Curricula are essential for infusing EnTeam Games into the culture of a society.

EnTeam Culture 

  • When EnTeam Games are woven into the routine activities of people who live in diverse communities, players are building an EnTeam Culture.
  • EnTeam Culture is the fulfillment of the EnTeam Vision: Communities become more productive and peaceful when citizens from different backgrounds learn to win together.